All about the Bent Way of Living

Friday, May 23, 2008

Sniffer attacks

More sniffers have materialized at work, and there is a cacaphony of sniffing noises going on all day. Gallons of post-nasal drip are being sucked back hourly, and entering the digestive tracts of the sufferers.

But this is nothing compared to what's going on with the original Sniffer, which I discussed here almost a month ago. This sickly individual has progressed through various stages of respiratory symptoms, the worse of which was a bout of harsh loud coughing that lasted a week. Then it was back to less frequent sniffing, which was almost tolerable, although I was still forced to keep my office door shut. Now we are near the end of the 4th week of suffering, and the barking cough has been going on all week. The noise is impossible to block, even with door shut tight. Now before you think I'm an oversensitive asshole (which I might be...?), consider this : 'sicko' inhabits a cubicle which is just outside my office, and his head is positioned at around the height of the cubicle wall. The orifice from which all the noise and germs are eminating, is located about 6-8 feet from my office door, and it is another 6 feet or so to my head, upon which sit my ears which are bathed in this sonic nightmare all day. The opening of said orifice is also pointing in my general direction, so I am getting it all at full volume.


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