All about the Bent Way of Living

Monday, April 14, 2008

Quickie book reviews

I done some reading lately too.

Fiction :

Ambler Warning, Robert Ludlum : I hadn't read a good 'ol Ludlum in a while, usually pretty entertaining. This was no exception. A good page turner, with nice plot twists. There was only one thing wierd : around 2/3 of the way thru the book, the editing got real sloppy for a dozen pages or so, with numerous spelling and syntax errors. And in the same place, some plot slips as well. Like this guy's in a taxi going towards the border, and realizes he's being followed by another car, and a helicopter as well. So he has the taxi stop, so he can get out and cross on foot... which he does. But hey, what happened to the car and helicopter following him ? They conveniently disappear...

Empire Falls, ? : Awesome book. The author gets into these cool detailed modes where he describes every minute detail going on for example when 2 people converse : facial expressions, body language, fleeting mental calculations. This book had its own style, quite different from anything I'd read before.

The True History of the Kelly Gang, Peter Carey : I almost gave up on this one, due to the strange literary style, which is that of an uneducated but intelligent person. But once was into it, by page 50 or so, then you get in the right mindset and it starts to flow. Interesting fiction based on a true character in Australian history.


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