I haven't ranted and bitched for a while - I need to vent, as it's starting to build up! But mostly it's just fun to rant and rave. Such trivial details do disturb us, though rarely much longer than the brief moment in which they are experienced.
Here's some current pet peaves :
Drivers who don't use turn signals : this one continues to amaze me. Of course it's probably a side-effect of cell phone blabbers (see below). But 90% of the people on the road would fail their driving tests, due to the lack of execution of this useful indicator tool. Yes that is the purpose of turn signals my friends - to help promote driving harmony by letting other drivers know what you're up to. It also helps pedestrians and cyclists to know what's up as well. Hell it might even save lives. Seriously I would say maybe 10% of drivers here use their signals consistently. And of those that do, probably half of them turn on their signals while they are in the process of turning - essentially useless, since we can fucking see they're already turning ! I honk at many of these people. But the horn on my car is somewhat broken, and it comes out as a wimpy tweet. But even if I had a nuclear-powered mega-horn, I doubt it would help solve the problem. Would be fun though...
Cell phone blabbers : yes, the existence of the cell phone and the people who use them continues to be an irritation. They are ever present in vehicles, causing drivers to weave all over the place, drive more slowly and erratically as they concentrate on the conversation instead of the road, and execute numerous driving violations due to the inability to use both hands to operate vehicle controls. And what the fuck are they all talking about ? Here in Bend the driving times are mostly 5 to 10 minutes, can't it fucking wait ?! I can see if you're stuck in traffic for half an hour in a big city - sure, use your phone to pass the time. But I just don't get the point here. Maybe I have no friends and noone to call ? True...but I can't imagine what people are talking about. "Hey man, I just left work. yeah, I'll be home in 5 minutes. Hey there's this asshole in another car pointing at my phone and mimicking me on a pretend phone. WTF ? Where's his phone - did he forget it ? How the heck is he able to drive without one hand jamming a phone into his ear ? Hold on, let me call the cops"
Sniffers : these are people with colds or other nasal irritation maladies, that sniff the snot from their nose back into their throats, often at high frequencies such as every 5 seconds or so. Usually the sniffs of these rapid sniffers are of short duration and small amplitude, but can be exeedingly annoying when it occurs all day long in your vicinity. I have a Sniffer at work, who sits in the cubicle just outside my office door. He gets a cold at least once a month, and will sniff every few seconds all day long, often for 3 or 4 days. It's happening right now as we speak, and I just shut my door in irritation. If it continues later, I will probably start mocking him as I walk by, sniffing loudly and repeatedly. If he still doesn't get the message and pop some anti-sniffing meds, I will start hawking loggies in his general direction. Etc, etc, just a normal day in the office cage.
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