All about the Bent Way of Living

Monday, April 14, 2008

Quickie movie reviews

I seen some movies in the last coupla months - some old some new :

No Country for Old Men : didn't this win some awards or something ? Anyways what a stupid movie. I think I've had my fill of movies that tell a story about "What if there was like some really violent people, with no conscience and stuff, that went around killing people 'n shit. Imagine that, scary, eh ?". The cinematography was well done.

I Am Legend : this had a chance to be a good movie, but the story never developed. A lot of cool desolate shots to help put you into the mindset of what it would be like if this really happened. A lot of fluff, no substance.

Valley of Elah (sp?) : interesting story based on post-war stress syndrome. Not a complete waste of time. But drab cinematography, slow moving.

Gone Baby Gone : finally a movie I actually liked. Realistic portrayals, and good plot twists.

White Noise : older movie about electronic voice phenomenon. somewhat boring and uninspired

Butterfly Effect 2 : I liked the first one, and the sequel is more of the same. Nothing deep, but entertaining.

Just Cause : older movie about a murder investigation. Pretty good acting, and the ever-popular plot twist make it worthwhile.


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