Climb a Mountain
To get ready for our big hike, we carbo-loaded the night before.
Playdoh spaghetti and meatballs should do the trick!
Goes down easy, doesn't it ?
I picked Mt Tumalo for our first real mountain hike, as it's relatively small and easily accessed.
The grade was uphill nearly the entire way. The sign at the trailhead said the top was only 1.5 miles away - so I was pretty sure we could make it.
Numerous rest stops were required, and much cajoling.
Nature's playgrounds encountered along the way...
Finally after almost 2 hours, and many viewings of the GPS to prove the top was not far away, the end is in sight.
Victory is ours ! It turns out the hike was 2.1 miles to the top, with a vertical gain of nearly 1500 feet. Pretty awesome for these little hikers.
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