All about the Bent Way of Living

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Praise da Lord for dah assholes !

Yassuh, we needs 'em just like we needs da good folk. Why da udder day I was jess mindin mah own business, ridin mah bicycle up 'n down dis road which don' get too much traffic, beein as how is a dead-in, wit only a lil community and one o' dem Snoparks at da end uv it. So ah was goin back and foth, 'n therefo' doin a you-turn at da end of each back and foth. Ah looks behin' me as ahm just pass da konuh, don see nobody, so ah do mah you-turn to da opposite lane. Den along comes some yahoo in deh fancy cah, doin like niney mahls-pa-houh, an he sees me just finishin mah turn and outta his way, but he lays on da hohn like dey's no tomorruh, and sticks up his arm wid da middle finguh extended. An I see a grimace on his ugly face, like he all angry 'n hot and don' like me or mah bike or what ah just did. An I think waddafuk ah do ta deserve such uncivil-like treatment ? Ah shakes mah head, n ahs feelin a bit down tinkin of what a world we got heah wit assholes like dat. 'N sometimes when a incuhdint like dat happens I feelz somewhat off ma game fo a while worryin about da fukedupness of it all. But den ah got ta thinkin, how could ah genyrate sum poseetive enahgy out of all dis ? An den ah got a big smile on mah face, thinkin "Hey, witout dem stupid mean folk, we all wouldn't appreshiate the nice folk, would we ?"

Friday, March 23, 2007